Image featuring a group of healthcare professionals receiving assistance and guidance in obtaining and maintaining their medical licenses.
About Us
Obtaining a medical license is essential for healthcare professionals, as it allows them to legally practice medicine and provide safe care to patients. At our medical license service, we offerassistance to doctors in obtaining and maintaining their medical license. Our team of experts helps healthcare professionals with complex application process and prepare for licensure exams such as USMLE and UKMLA. Trust us to be your partner in obtaining and maintaining your medical license.
In the United States, the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) is the standard exam that physicians must pass to obtain a medical license. The USMLE consists of three steps, with the first two taken during medical school and the final step taken after graduation. Similarly, in the United Kingdom, the UK Medical Licensing Assessment (UKMLA) is the standardized test that physicians must pass to obtain a medical license. At our medical license service, we understand the importance of obtaining and maintaining a medical license. Our team of experts is dedicated to assisting healthcare professionals in obtaining their medical license, from navigating the complex application process to preparing for licensure exams such as the USMLE and UKMLA.
We also understand the importance of maintaining a medical license once it has been obtained. Our team can assist healthcare professionals in meeting ongoing education and clinical training requirements to ensure that they remain in good standing with their licensing board. Our Headquarter's are in London and have clinical placements available throughout the UK, USA, Dubai, India and in the Cayman Islands.
What We Provide

London Professional training centre courses




Clinical Work Experience – As a strategic partner with Essex Medical Society, we have the capability to deliver first class work experience that will give you an understanding of the profession.




>Dental Clinical Work Experience – If you are interested in Dentistry you have come to the right place; Our Dentistry clinical work experience programme is the best in the UK, as we have several on-call dentists ready to take you under their wing for mentoring.




>Pharmacy Work Experience – to better understand the profession and how to navigate through a career path from test taking to obtaining placements through interview.

Dr Sanjay Mody


About Me

I Have graduated from the University of Dundee, Scotland with a BSc Hons in Anatomical Sciences. Following this, Dr Mody embarked on a MHSA (Masters in Health Science Administration) in Maine, USA. This complemented his study of Medicine at Doctorate level in both the Cayman Islands in the USA where I completed my pre-clinical and clinical rotations in Michigan, Illinois, Georgia, Louisiana and in Kansas City. In UK Dr Mody was a clinical attaché on Harley Street for three years where I have also graduated from a mini-MBA at the Royal Society of Medicine. Dr Mody has vast experience in corporate and international healthcare to include India, Dubai, Cayman Islands and the USA. Dr Mody has been on 6 strategic dialogues for the UK Government in UK-India and UK-Singapore. Dr Mody is passionate about medical education with a proven track record as an effective teacher. Dr Mody’s secondments have been as Medical Directors of several companies internationally. Dr Mody is currently up skilling in medico-legal with an interest in NHS law and GMC matters.


Expert Teachers

Martins Osaghae

London Professional Coordinator

Angela Molineux

Professor (Coach)

John Keet

General Physician – Harley Street

Jason Zeidan

US Physician – Family Practice &
Palliative Care